As Spring Training Winds Down, Schweikert Already Proving to Be MVP for Wealthy & Corporations

Schweikert Voted Multiple Times to Protect Rich Tax Cheats, Cut Social Security & Medicare

PHOENIX — As Spring Training in Arizona reaches its final stretch, Honest Arizona was in attendance at the Giants vs. D-backs game to trade baseball cards featuring the House Republicans’ Player of the Year, Congressman David Schweikert, who has consistently voted with extremists in his party and against the demands of his constituents.

Among his accolades, Schweikert was credited for his multiple votes to cut Social Security and Medicare and for voting to protect wealthy tax cheats from paying their fair share. His All-Star awards include earning the coveted Most Likely to Give Tax Breaks to the Wealthy and Most Likely to Vote to Raise Costs on Working Families.

Just this year, Congressman Schweikert has voted to shut down the government multiple times and the Republican Study Committee that he’s a member of recently released yet another budget proposal that would threaten the future of Social Security and Medicare, including by stripping Medicare of its power to negotiate lower drug prices.

“Corporations and the wealthy see a home run hitter in David Schweikert, but Arizonans see someone who’s refused to go to bat for them throughout his career in Washington,” said Andrea Moreno, Executive Director of Honest Arizona. “It’s not too late for Congressman Schweikert to join the side that his constituents are on by voting to keep their costs down and protecting their hard-earned Social Security and Medicare benefits.”


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