Ciscomani Backs Measure to Block Insurers from Covering Abortion

TUCSON — Congressman Juan Ciscomani is co-sponsoring legislation that would restrict private insurers from covering abortion for Arizonans who have Affordable Care Act insurance..

According to The Messenger, the bill that Ciscomani supports, H.R. 7, would "go even further [than prior attempts to restrict funding for abortion], expanding the restrictions to people who buy private insurance from Affordable Care Act marketplaces. In doing so, it would override laws in eight states – including New York and California – that require most private insurers to cover abortion."

In January, Ciscomani voted for an anti-abortion bill that would threaten to put doctors in prison, and just last month, he voted to ban the delivery of an FDA-approved abortion medication by mail.

“Congressman Ciscomani’s efforts to restrict abortion, even blocking private insurers from covering health care for their customers, is extreme and out-of-touch with most Arizonans,” said Honest Arizona executive director Andrea Moreno. “Congressman Ciscomani needs to stop spending so much time trying to restrict reproductive health care and abortion access for Arizonans, and start looking out for the people he promised to represent.”


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