Honest Arizona Gives Arizonans Opportunity to Tell Schweikert to Protect Medicare & Social Security

Grassroots Campaign Launches Webpage to Hold Schweikert Accountable

PHOENIX —As the U.S. House Budget Committee passed a Schweikert-backed bill that could threaten Social Security and Medicare benefits, Honest Arizona launched a new webpage to give Arizonans the opportunity to tell the congressman to protect their hard-earned benefits..

The webpage comes at the same time that the grassroots campaign unveiled a new ad, currently playing in the Phoenix media market, that shows Schweikert's long record of voting to cut Social Security and Medicare. The ad is part of the group's multimillion-dollar campaign to hold Congressman Schweikert accountable to stand up for hardworking Arizonans.

The House recently passed Schweikert’s H.R. 5779 – a bill that could fast-track legislation that threatens to propose cuts to Social Security and Medicare – putting the hard-earned benefits of Arizona retirees at risk.

“Our campaign is centered on giving Arizonans the opportunity to hold their elected leaders accountable, and they've made it crystal clear that they don't approve of Congressman Schweikert's votes to cut Social Security and Medicare,” said Andrea Moreno, executive director of Honest Arizona. “It's time for Congressman Schweikert to keep his promise to Arizonans and protect their hard-earned benefits by opposing H.R. 5779.”


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