ICYMI: AZ Legislator, Public School Teacher Calls Out Ciscomani's Votes To Cut Public Education

TUCSON — State Representative Nancy Gutierrez (LD18), a public school teacher, called out Congressman Juan Ciscomani's record of voting to cut support for public schools in a new piece in the Tucson Daily Star.

According to Rep. Gutierrez:

“In his first term in Washington, Ciscomani voted for an education funding bill that proposes an 80% cut to Title I funding. This move could lead to the elimination of over 4,000 staff and teaching positions in Arizona, impacting a staggering 250,000 students across the state. Such a drastic reduction not only threatens the livelihoods of thousands of Arizonans but also jeopardizes the future of our workforce and economy by denying students the education they rightfully deserve.

“Congressman Ciscomani went a step further. Despite initially voting for the bill in a subcommittee, he later joined House Republicans in raising concerns about the bill as bad policy for his constituents. This inconsistency raises questions about his commitment to the well-being of Arizona’s education system and the students who depend on it.”

Rep. Gutierrez also shed light on Congressman Ciscomani's role as a key advisor in former Governor Doug Ducey's office when the administration expanded a voucher program that left his successor with a massive budget deficit.

“Congressman Ciscomani’s troubling education record precedes his time in the U.S. House. As a key member of former Governor Ducey’s leadership team, he supported Ducey’s efforts to expand the school voucher program, contributing to a substantial budget deficit in Arizona. As a result, teachers are now under immense pressure to deliver a quality education with significantly fewer resources.

“The Congressman’s association with the disastrous universal ESA voucher program and his voting record in Congress for further cuts fall in line with other votes he’s taken in Congress. Governor Ducey’s pride in expanding the budget-busting vouchers is not a sentiment shared by those on the frontlines of education, where accountability, transparency, and adequate resources are essential for success.”


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