The Rich Are Getting Enough This Holiday Season Arizona Slams Rep. Ciscomani for Supporting Big Tax Tax Breaks for the Rich
PHOENIX — Honest Arizona this weekend taught festivalgoers at the 75th Winterhaven Festival about how the Trump Tax Law provides enormous tax giveaways for the wealthy and large corporations, while doing next to nothing for everyday Arizonans. Congressman Juan Ciscomani has the opportunity to oppose its extension next year.
How the Trump Tax Law has benefited the wealthy over working Arizonans:
The richest 1 percent of Arizonans got 29 percent of the tax cuts from the law, while the poorest 20 percent of Arizonans got just 1 percent.
The law slashed the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent – with many companies paying significantly less than that.
Arizona billionaires have grown $25 billion richer since the passage of the Trump Tax Law, while working families face rising costs that make it harder to get ahead.
Arizonans can find out more about the Trump Tax Law HERE.