NEW: Honest Arizona Billboard Urges Schweikert to Vote Against Massive Tax Breaks for the Ultra-Wealthy

PHOENIX — As the next Congress prepares to be sworn in this week, Honest Arizona is posting a billboard in the First Congressional District urging Congressman David Schweikert to vote against an extension of the 2017 GOP Tax Law that favors the ultra-wealthy. 

The law is set to expire next year, and Republicans in Congress and President-elect Donald Trump have already indicated that they intend to give even more tax breaks to corporations and the ultra-wealthy. Congressman Schweikert has a clear choice: will he stand up for working Arizonans or will he pass another tax policy that continues to help corporations and the rich get even richer? 

How the GOP Tax Law has benefited the wealthy over working Arizonans: 

Arizonans can find out more about the GOP Tax Law HERE.


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